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Fra ide til bilde

Dette er en workshop som strekker din kreative muskel, og gir deg verktøyene du trenger til utvikle de gode ideene og skape fotografi som legges merke til. Workshopen vil dekke alle ledd i konseptuelt og kreativt fotografi, fra brainstorming en ide, til planlegging og gjennomføring.
Workshopen vil foregå på engelsk:

This advanced workshop covers all of the elements involved in creating conceptual and thematic imagery from idea generation through execution. It is ideal for photographers who are comfortable with the technical aspect of their equipment and are looking to create staged narrative images taking their photography to the next level.

The course focuses on the creative process, giving participants the tools to create individually relevant images that evolve a personal style and narrative. Looking inwards and towards your artistic roots will open up a new ways to approach your photography and is essential in charting a unique path forward with your portfolio; whether your interests lie in the fine arts or commercial genres of photography.

Students focus on brainstorming, concept development, and thinking outside the box when approaching visual storytelling. The course walks through step by step how to make your picture concept a reality through mood boards, production sheets, pre-production and scheduling, with lectures on how to source locations, props, and lighting theory: how to cast and work with subjects, as well as problem solving, communication, and working efficiently on set or location.

All students will then execute these lessons through a series of shooting assignments.

About Claire Rosen:
Claire Rosen is an award winning artist whose transportive imagery uses universal themes of dreams, fairy tales and mythology to visually symbolize the many facets of the human condition. Her elaborate constructions are reminiscent of classical paintings, and evoke the aesthetics and ideals of Pre-Raphaelite, Romantic and Gothic periods. The dark and whimsical images often explore concepts of nostalgia, memory, femininity and depictions of the self, frequently referencing the Victorian Era with its fascination of the natural world and ideals of beauty.

In 2012 & 2013, Claire was included in Forbes 30 Brightest under 30 for Art & Design. Her work has also received awards from Communication Arts Photography Annual, International Photography Awards, Graphis Photo Annual, PDN Photo Annual, Prix de la Photographie, Sony World Awards, Artists Wanted: Exposure, and Art Project: W Magazine.

Claire’s work has been featured in Beautiful/Decay, Communication Arts Insights and Fresh, Complex Art+Design, Creative Quarterly Journal, Direct Art, Faded + Blurred, Fast Company, Feature Shoot, FotoTv, Friday Magazine, Hi Fructose Magazine, Juxtapoz Magazine, Mappa Mundi, Neo Collective, PDN's Emerging Photographer, Photocine News, Refinery 29, The Rumpus, Slate Magazine Behold and The World Photography Organization.

Claire has been exhibited from New York to Los Angeles and London to Bangkok and her work can be found in a number of public and private collections. In 2013, Claire had her first solo museum show at the the Savannah Museum of Art in Georgia. Her fine art work has been included in a number of juried group shows at Aperture Gallery, Center for Maine Contemporary Art (CMCA), Consensus, MOPLA, Photoville Atlanta, Boston & Brooklyn Fence and PhotoPlace Gallery.

The vivid storytelling throughout Claire’s work has enabled her to construct unique creative campaigns and installations for a wide range of commercial brands. From fashion labels to luxury hotels, book publishers to restaurants, Claire’s portfolio of commissioned images bridges the gap between fine art and commercial work.

In addition, Claire has taught workshops and lectured about the creative process on five continents through B&H, Foundry Workshops, Gulf Photo Plus, Hallmark Institute, ICP, New Jersey Visual Arts Center, NORDphotography, Savannah College of Art and Design, School of Visual Arts, Unique University and the Yard School at MAM. Claire is sponsored as a brand ambassador for Dynalite, Hahnemühle USA and liveBooks.

Claire graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2006 with a BFA in photography. She received a liberal arts degree from Bard College at Simon's Rock in 2003.

Workshopen skjer på NORDphotography's workshopsenter SAGA i Nord-Trøndelag, som ligger ca 1 time nord for Trondheim Lufthavn Vœrnes. SAGA er en del av Den Gyldne Omvei, som er en kjent kulturrute i området.

Komplett workshopbeskrivelse, og alt av praktiske opplysninger finner du på vår nettside: From Idea to Image

Påmelding skjer til post@nordphotography.com eller direkte på vår nettside. Det er bindende påmelding på våre workshoper.
© Claire Rosen -
© Claire Rosen
© Claire Rosen -
© Claire Rosen
© Claire Rosen -
© Claire Rosen

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